21 Mar 2022 AEP Administrator

Within the framework of cooperation between Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry and universities from the UK and Vietnam in the year 2022-2023 on the development of a university model oriented to create social impact (social impact driven unversity), the project has the participation of the University of Northampton, Glasgow Caledonian University and 6 Vietnamese universities. The project's abbreviation is SILKEN.

1. Overview:

The WP2 workshop programme consists of six workshops centred on research methods and research into key social problem areas. These social problem areas will be aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) framework, indicatively focused on the below 5 SDG areas, albeit this is open to change based upon feedback and decisions made by the consortium in the first workshop. The idea is that each workshop will allow us to focus on the key indicators within each SDG and understand how this relates to the Vietnamese context and what specific research approaches would be suitable based upon our partners experience and needs.

2. Workshop Structure:

The workshops will generally last 1.5-2 hours and be interactive, with a short introduction to the area at the start of each workshop (10 minutes) followed by a guest speaker with expertise in research in the given SDG area, followed by breakout sessions and brainstorming from the project partners. It is essential that each partner is able to provide 3-5 staff for each session, as the breakout groups will be split by HEI. Summaries of each workshop and the key outputs from the sessions will be disseminated afterwards, alongside recordings of the workshops also.

3. Workshop Content & Dates:

The following six workshops will be held in WP2, with indicative content and dates detailed below:

  1. Introduction to Research Methods (23rd March 2022): This first workshop will explore research methods in social innovation, introducing research methods, examples of different approaches from the literature, as well as an exploration of dissemination/publication avenues including journals. Following this, breakout sessions will be held in order for partners to identify where their weaknesses/strengths lie in relation to research methods, and also to identify the SDG areas that they feel are important to their own HEI and Vietnam as a whole. Specific areas of focus include:
    1. Research design.
    2. Methods and methodology.
    3. Theory and practice.
    4. Qualitative methods.
    5. Quantitative methods.
    6. Publication and dissemination.
  2. Health and Wellbeing (4th May 2022[1]): This workshop will explore research into SDG3: Good Health and Wellbeing. A brief overview of the SDG area KPIs and research will be provided, followed by a talk by a guest speaker[2] with expertise in innovation related health and wellbeing research. The breakout sessions will provide the partners with the opportunity to map out those KPIs that they believe they can support with research and create research groups around at their HEIs. Where relevant, partners will propose paper ideas and publication strategies that can be fed into the Peer review College. Specific areas of focus include:
    1. Reducing maternal/infant mortality.
    2. Improved mental health and wellbeing.
    3. Support for substance abuse.
    4. Sexual and reproductive healthcare.
  3. Sustainable Cities and Communities (27th July 2022): This workshop will explore research into SDG11: Sustainable Cities and Communities. A brief overview of the SDG area KPIs and research will be provided, followed by a talk by a guest speaker with expertise in innovation related to research into sustainable cities and communities. The breakout sessions will provide the partners with the opportunity to map out those KPIs that they believe they can support with research and create research groups around at their HEIs. Where relevant, partners will propose paper ideas and publication strategies that can be fed into the Peer review College. Specific areas of focus include:
    1. Sustainable planning on housing and transport.
    2. Access to clean water.
    3. Improve air quality.
    4. Access to green spaces.
  4. Reduced Inequalities (28th September 2022): This workshop will explore research into SDG10: Sustainable Cities and Communities. A brief overview of the SDG area KPIs and research will be provided, followed by a talk by a guest speaker with expertise in innovation related to inequality focused research. The breakout sessions will provide the partners with the opportunity to map out those KPIs that they believe they can support with research and create research groups around at their HEIs. Where relevant, partners will propose paper ideas and publication strategies that can be fed into the Peer review College. Specific areas of focus include:
    1. Income generation for the most deprived (top 40%).
    2. Empowerment of the disadvantaged.
    3. Equal opportunities and pay.
    4. Migration/refugee support.
  5. Climate Action (9th November 2022)[3]: This workshop will explore research into SDG13: Climate Action. A brief overview of the SDG area KPIs and research will be provided, followed by a talk by a guest speaker with expertise in climate related research. The breakout sessions will provide the partners with the opportunity to map out those KPIs that they believe they can support with research and create research groups around at their HEIs. Where relevant, partners will propose paper ideas and publication strategies that can be fed into the Peer review College. Specific areas of focus include:
    1. Climate resilience.
    2. Climate policy development.
    3. Education and awareness-raising.
    4. Renewables and community sustainability.
  6. Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure (18th January 2023): This workshop will explore research into SDG9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure. A brief overview of the SDG area KPIs and research will be provided, followed by a talk by a guest speaker with expertise in industry innovation research. The breakout sessions will provide the partners with the opportunity to map out those KPIs that they believe they can support with research and create research groups around at their HEIs. Where relevant, partners will propose paper ideas and publication strategies that can be fed into the Peer review College. Specific areas of focus include:
    1. Sustainable industrialisation.
    2. Affordable credit/finance.
    3. Resource efficiency and recycling.
    4. Sustainable infrastructure planning.

4. Summary:

The key elements from the above workshops will be to support the partners to identify areas of strength and need, and to then plan possible research plans and publication strategies for papers that they can develop through the Peer Review College. Separate sessions will be held for the College, in which partners can receive constructive feedback from partners/peers on their research ideas, plans and ultimately papers, ahead of these being submitted to relevant journals for review and (hopefully) publication. It must be stressed that the above SDG areas are not fixed, and open to input from the partners in the first workshop.





[1] Date to be confirmed.

[2] All guest speakers for the SDG sessions to be confirmed.

[3] This workshop could be delivered in-person in Vietnam.