[National Tsing Hua University] Exchange Study Program

14 Mar 2022 Quản trị viên CTTT

The exchange online application system will require your institution to complete online nomination from February 1 to April 1 at the link http://dgm-exchange.vm.nthu.edu.tw/nomination/index/id/385420021019668bf4a9a904001267bd
(Please note the link will be able to access only during the nomination period.)
Please check the guideline for the nomination
(https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1rOfeftvuf896quiJG6ntBBwrfCoH_-bw/edit#slide=id.p1 )
After we receive your online nomination, we'll evaluate and inform your nominated students to complete the online application.
Please note that applicants must contact the coordinator of their home university to review their application documents and complete the checking list form before uploading application documents to the online system.
Our exchange program applications start from February 1 to April 15, 2022. Late, ineligible or incomplete applications will not be processed. We only take applications through your institution nomination.
*if the nominated students had registered before, please ask the student to provide you with the “new” email address, or you can’t nominate the student successfully.
If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact us at hsjchen@mx.nthu.edu.tw
Looking forward to receiving your students for fall 2022!

P.S. For more information, please check the website  https://oga.site.nthu.edu.tw/p/412-1524-18681.php?Lang=en   

Contact: Ms. Vu Thi Hoa (vuthihoa@tuaf.edu.vn)